The Cuckoos Nest

Thoughts on my own struggles with mental and illness and discussion of mental health in general

  • The Cuckoos Nest

    Committable: A Podcast You Need To Listen To

    I am back to let you all (all 2 of you lol) know about a podcast I stumbled upon called Committable. A lot of feelings came up for me while listening to it and I needed to share them and also give this podcast its flowers. The host, Jesse Mangan, started the podcast to try and figure out what happened twenty years ago when he was involuntarily committed by something called a “Section 12.” He and the show’s producers interview lawyers, Jesse’s family members, and other professionals to gain clarity on what happened as well as the whys and hows. I think what really got me about this podcast is…

  • The Cuckoos Nest

    Erykah. New Zealand. No! Stop! Shhhh!

    I have feelings about this topic I’m about to discuss. Lot’s and lot’s of feelings. The topic of discussion today is “why the hell is the onus on women and girls for men to act like decent human beings?!” Be happy I’m too in the zone for caps lock or I would have yell/typed that. This particular post is brought on by the twitter ramblings of Ms. Erykah Badu. Ma’am! But it is not exclusive to her. She’s always been on the Hotep-ish side, but you know, I was letting her slide because I like her music and her social media presence made me chuckle. But oh today! She most…

  • The Cuckoos Nest

    Calling Out Fake Outrage: The New Way to Seem Like You Care, But Really Don’t

    I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while. I actually took the time to audio record my thoughts about this in order to remember all of the points I want to cover. What I want to talk about here is the need for Black people to be in a permanent state of “Hulk smash mode” at all times in order for our anger and outrage surrounding certain issues to be considered real or valid. Strangely enough, this sentiment seems to typically come from other Black people. I’ve seen an array of memes, statuses, and twitter posts regarding “fake outrage” and “Ya’ll forgot about (insert name of anyone that…

  • The Cuckoos Nest

    The Myth of the Entitled Millennial

    For some years now, we millennials have been the subject of countless negative think pieces, articles, and tv spots. You would think that as the best educated groups in US history you would here older generations clapping themselves on the back at what a good job they did. Instead, we are told we are lazy, entitled, self obsessed, and a list of other adjectives that suggest we are the absolute worst. The older generations likes to look at millennials in a vacuum, taking no responsibility over what they deem a “lost generation.” But who exactly do they think raised us? We weren’t just transplanted here independent of them. These older…

  • The Cuckoos Nest

    Selective Memories, Livable Wages, and Why Some Dislike That Yelp Girl

    I’ve been noticing a specific scenario happening more and more lately. The further one is removed from “the struggle” the less likely they are able to empathize with those who are currently struggling. Whether it’s a Ben Carson, who was raised by a single mother receiving government assistance who now espouses the false Welfare Queen rhetoric. Or the abrasive woman who responded to the Yelp employee recently fired after taking to her blog to complain about the unlivable wages she received while working there (keyword:working). These aren’t the typical “trust fund baby” types that we are accustomed to hearing the “bootstrap” narrative come from. These are people who you would…