• The Cuckoos Nest

    Committable: A Podcast You Need To Listen To

    I am back to let you all (all 2 of you lol) know about a podcast I stumbled upon called Committable. A lot of feelings came up for me while listening to it and I needed to share them and also give this podcast its flowers. The host, Jesse Mangan, started the podcast to try and figure out what happened twenty years ago when he was involuntarily committed by something called a “Section 12.” He and the show’s producers interview lawyers, Jesse’s family members, and other professionals to gain clarity on what happened as well as the whys and hows. I think what really got me about this podcast is…

  • Living With Bipolar Disorder

    The Kids Aren’t Alright

    And by “the kids” I mean me. I just needed a catchy title. I’m fresh off another hospitalization and knee deep in an ongoing war with my insurance company to get the one treatment that actually works for me reauthorized. My parents and I have had to go full “I was told by Applecare” on United Healthcare, Optum Behavioral Health, and Johnson & Johnson. But that’s really beside the point of this post. While spending my days in the hospital laying under the covers in my room, instead of attending groups, I had way too much time in my own head. Something I took for granted while outside of the…

  • Living With Bipolar Disorder

    Post Hospitalization Rundown

    Well folks, I ended up in the psych hospital once again. Le sigh. I wish I could say I didn’t see this coming, but I kind of knew it was inevitable around mid-March. On the upside, I checked myself in before I got to the point of trying to hurt myself. But on the downside, this could have all been prevented if insurance companies weren’t riddled with incompetent people and bogged down with nonsensical red tape that prevents folks from getting the treatment they need. So let me start this post off with the circumstances that lead up to my inpatient stay. Back at the very end of November 2015,…