• Living With Bipolar Disorder

    Panic In Prose

    I’ve been searching for a way to explain my anxiety. My depression. My hypomania. I’ve been searching for a way to explain it in a way that makes sense to people other than me. I’ve spent nights lying awake in bed describing it in masterful prose, swearing to write it down in the morning, but the words always left my head by daybreak. Of the 3, I am most pressured to explain how my anxiety feels. But, the depression and hypomania deserve a gallery in the museum of me as well. That’s why this will be a post in 3 parts. But first, my anxiety. Before I had words for…

  • Living With Bipolar Disorder

    Doing What You Love Is A Luxury

    Doing what you love is a luxury. But not always in the way people think. When people talk about the luxury of doing what you love, it’s often in reference to time or money or some other privilege. But doing what you love is also a luxury of a stable mood and/or mental status. This past year has brought this to the forefront for me on many occasions. Dealing with major depression this winter and into the spring and summer the things I love became laborious. The mental energy I spent just contemplating doing the things I usually enjoy, was so taxing I never made it out of bed to…