
My thoughts on different current events and social topics.

  • Musings

    There Are No Sides. There Just Is.

    I want to apologize to my readers for having been so quiet lately. The past year and some change have been a consistent uphill battle, with me rolling back downhill quite a lot. I’ve been trying to put a pin into what exactly it is that has changed for me in regards to writing, as well as why it’s been so hard for me to grasp any semblance of sure footing in life; but it’s been a hard journey.  I’ve felt more hopeless and like I no longer have any sort of solid foundation. The threat of the rug being pulled out from under me is always looming over my…

  • Musings


    Yesterday I felt joy for the first time in a long time. It was so close to the feelings of hypomania but without the poor impulse control. I felt like me. I think.  I finally hit my breaking point a few weeks ago and decided to cut ties with an emotionally abusive, narcissist (my own 2 cents based on his behavior patterns. I AM NOT A DR.) who I loved deeply but was causing me to spiral into despair. I was scared to call it abuse because looking from the outside “it wasn’t that bad” but if someone continues to cause you harm, after being told how they hurt you,…

  • Musings

    Productivity Isn’t Necessary

    At the start of the COVID-19 mandatory state shutdowns, layoffs, and calls for social distancing and self quarantining a common refrain throughout social media has been about “staying productive.” Start those projects that you’ve been meaning to, revamp your resume, start a business, do this, do that. Rarely have you been seeing anyone saying that it’s okay to just do nothing. We are at an unprecedented time of global anxiety and stress and the one coping mechanism that people can throw out is to be productive. I’d like to take this apart just a little bit. This call for constant productivity sits a little differently with me as someone living…

  • Living With Bipolar Disorder,  Musings

    Why I Stopped Actively Dating

    I’ve been mulling this topic over for the past year after going through a breakup and 3 severe depressive episodes. I don’t really like the conclusion I’ve come to, because it makes me face some truths about myself, my circumstances, and the world I live in that are far from comfortable. It also shatters a hope that I’ve had since I was young and I’ve been avoiding facing that a lot of my desires from when I was younger were aspirational at best and delusional at worst. I just won’t be actively seeking to date anyone any longer. We all know the most common reason that so many of us…

  • Musings

    My 2019 Holiday Wishlist

    I’ve always loved making lists. Grocery lists, to-do lists, playlists, you name it and I was making a list. I probably should have looked into a career at Buzzfeed. However, one list that has fallen by the wayside as I’ve gotten older and realized how expensive *gestures vaguely around*everything is, has been a holiday wishlist. Long ago are the days that FAO Schwartz and Toys ‘R’ Us would mail out catalogs big enough to rival phone books and I would take to circling everything I wanted, then, in my childhood mind, pared down the list to something “reasonable.” So I’ve decided to bring that tradition back, knowing full and well…